Is there any easy (scriptable) way to convert a PDF with vector images into a PDF with raster images? In other words, I want to generate a PDF with the exact same (un-rasterized
is the best solution, I quickly made this rather unoptimized batch file that does exactly that and you can play with it and change options. ImageMacick convert, gs, or pdftoimages don't work as good as inkscape
they either don't export the layers or export but with bad quality :
#set -xev
JPEGS=`mktemp -d`
unzip "$1" -d "$JPEGS"
cd "$JPEGS"
# expang the pdf in pdf pages
pdftk combined_to_do.pdf burst output pg_%04d.pdf
#1) print the pdf's to pngs as they are seen with alpha, layers, transparency etc, this cannot be done by ImageMacick convert or pdftoimages
ls ./pg*.pdf | xargs -L1 -I {} inkscape {} -z --export-dpi=300 --export-area-drawing --export-png={}.png
#2) Second change to jpgs
rm *.pdf
ls ./p*.png | xargs -L1 -I {} convert {} -quality 100 -density 300 {}.jpg
#3) This to make a pdf file out of every jpg image without loss of either resolution or quality:
ls -1 ./*jpg | xargs -L1 -I {} img2pdf {} -o {}.pdf
#4) This to concatenate the pdfpages into one:
pdftk *.jpg.pdf cat output combined.pdf
#5) And last I add an OCRed text layer that doesn't change the quality of the scan in the pdfs so they can be searchable:
pypdfocr combined.pdf
cp "$JPEGS/combined_ocr.pdf" "$ORIGINAL_FOLDER/$1_ocr.pdf"
cp "$JPEGS/combined.pdf" "$ORIGINAL_FOLDER/$1.pdf"
Convert the pdf to djvu with converter. Uncheck "antialias fonts,vectors..". It will reduce file size significantly and improve document load times.