if you are a developer and have little clue about designs - Twitter Bootstrapt saves the day (at least for me).
Is there something similar for android (native, not web)?
I recently came across this project and it that looks very promising.
The Android Holo theme codifies the UX guidelines into a theme that you can use on Android. If you are not targeting 4.0, try this project that ported a lot of the theme all the way back to 1.6. I haven't tried it myself yet but may be a good start.
Although the following are not focussed on the design part they nonetheless generate a project to start with for you:
On the second I recommend running the following command to filter Android projects from the list:
mvn archetype:generate | grep ndroid
It will list at least the following project templates:
50: remote -> com.googlecode.android-player-root-archetype:parent-archetype (-)
115: remote -> com.vektorsoft.demux.tools:demux-android-archetype (Create Android application structure for DEMUX Framework applications)
123: remote -> de.akquinet.android.archetypes:android-gcm-quickstart (Creates a skeleton for a GCM Android application)
124: remote -> de.akquinet.android.archetypes:android-library-quickstart (Creates a skeleton for an Android library)
125: remote -> de.akquinet.android.archetypes:android-quickstart (Creates a skeleton for an Android application)
126: remote -> de.akquinet.android.archetypes:android-release (Creates a skeleton for an Android application,
127: remote -> de.akquinet.android.archetypes:android-with-test (Creates a skeleton for an Android application and instrumentation tests)
128: remote -> de.akquinet.android.archetypes:stand-archetype (Creates a skeleton for an Android application using the Stand framework stack)
555: remote -> org.eclipse.xtend:xtend-android-archetype (-)
857: remote -> ru.nikitav.android.archetypes:release (-)
858: remote -> ru.nikitav.android.archetypes:release-robolectric (-)
just released two days ago and already has 100+ stars
Not the most elegant solution but I use Twitter Bootstrap and Phonegap which gives me the added advantage of multiple apps on different platforms. I know you did mention native but I wonder if more people are leaning towards these solutions at least with even Windows joining the fray and having to develop for 4 different platforms.