iOS 9 Splash screen is black

前端 未结 16 987
既然无缘 2021-01-30 20:18

My apps\' splash screens are all plain black after upgrading to iOS9.

Does anybody know why this is? Some of them are using a .xib splash screen and some are using image

  • 2021-01-30 20:22

    Just to point out that once again (as this solution didn't appear in answers, and I've personally lost around two hours when "fixing" that), sometimes, especially when the app is in active development/debugging, it requires iOS device to reboot for the launch screen to be fixed.

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  • 2021-01-30 20:23

    With me uninstalling the app, or rebooting the device didn't help. I used XCode for 5 more minutes, which is the mean time between failure in XCode and it gave "Unkown error occurred" error, which was very helpful. Of course as an experienced XCode developer I knew what to do, force-quit, clean the project, rebuild.

    The first error was solved meanwhile as I had forgotten about that.

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  • 2021-01-30 20:24

    The problem maybe because missing image size: .png, @2x.png, @3x.png at LaunchScreen.xib

    I made loading screen by LaunchScreen.xib In this xib has load a image launch.png But there are missing size launch.png, just exist launch@2x.png and launch@3x.png After add missing image: launch.png, black square bug is gone.

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  • 2021-01-30 20:24

    We always need to add proper size of image if we are using image.Assets for Launch image and select correct options for launch image Source on Clicking project navigator>General>AppICons and launch images > launch image Source > BrandAssets

    If size of launch image is not correct with respect to device on which you are try to running app, then your app will run as iPhone 4 showing black top and bottom bars.

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  • 2021-01-30 20:28

    I noticed the same issue on the launch screen and have a black square in the middle of the screen.

    It might be due to missing images at the specified formats .e.g @2x, @3x etc.

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  • 2021-01-30 20:29

    What worked for me was

    1 - Go to LaunchScreen.storyboard 2 - Select is the initial view controller

    enter image description here

    And you are good to go.

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