I was wondering if there was a way to initialize a dictionary in python with keys but no corresponding values until I set them. Such as:
Definition = {\'apple\':
It would be good to know what your purpose is, why you want to initialize the keys in the first place. I am not sure you need to do that at all.
1) If you want to count the number of occurrences of keys, you can just do:
Definition = {}
# ...
Definition[key] = Definition.get(key, 0) + 1
2) If you want to get None (or some other value) later for keys that you did not encounter, again you can just use the get() method:
Definition.get(key) # returns None if key not stored
Definition.get(key, default_other_than_none)
3) For all other purposes, you can just use a list of the expected keys, and check if the keys found later match those.
For example, if you only want to store values for those keys:
expected_keys = ['apple', 'banana']
# ...
if key_found in expected_keys:
Definition[key_found] = value
Or if you want to make sure all expected keys were found:
assert(all(key in Definition for key in expected_keys))
Comprehension could be also convenient in this case:
# from a list
keys = ["k1", "k2"]
d = {k:None for k in keys}
# or from another dict
d1 = {"k1" : 1, "k2" : 2}
d2 = {k:None for k in d1.keys()}
# {'k1': None, 'k2': None}
You can initialize the values as empty strings and fill them in later as they are found.
dictionary = {'one':'','two':''}
q = input("Apple")
w = input("Ball")
Definition = {'apple': q, 'ball': w}
you could use a defaultdict. It will let you set dictionary values without worrying if the key already exists. If you access a key that has not been initialized yet it will return a value you specify (in the below example it will return None)
from collections import defaultdict
your_dict = defaultdict(lambda : None)
Based on the clarifying comment by @user2989027, I think a good solution is the following:
definition = ['apple', 'ball']
data = {'orange':1, 'pear':2, 'apple':3, 'ball':4}
my_data = {}
for k in definition:
except KeyError:
print my_data
I tried not to do anything fancy here. I setup my data and an empty dictionary. I then loop through a list of strings that represent potential keys in my data dictionary. I copy each value from data to my_data, but consider the case where data may not have the key that I want.