Edit: Pylance seems to be much better at this and has so far resolved all problems with the previous Python language server from Microsoft.
I\'m using VS Code an
It turned out it was a particular VS Code extension for me.
Angular Language Service. Disabling this made it lightning quick.
Try this to see if it is a particular extension.
My answer's for c++ but still kinda related.
I'm using the C/C++ extension from Microsoft, and when I switched its Intelli Sense Engine
setting from Default
, with "context-aware results", to Tag Parser
, with "'fuzzy' results that are not context-aware", it immediately started showing IntelliSense options instead of delaying for 5+ seconds.
So maybe check the particular options of your language's or environment's extension(s).
Maybe it's Jedi. I mean its awesome but ... Tinkering with Jedi myself on bigger code bases I can confirm that it might be uber slow at times and pretty hard to figure out what the problems are... :/
Solution might be to switch to another language server! The VSCode Python extension has a "Language Server"-setting:
aka python.languageServer
Pylance is MS own new language server. I just tried it and it all seems a little snappier. As of today this is tagged as Preview. So there might be improvements around the corner.
I had the same problem with Python on VS Code. In my case, disabling Jedi for IntelliSence made things faster.
Just set "python.jediEnabled": false in the options.
As memory is not a problem for me, I also enabled code analysis to keep parser trees in memory: "python.analysis.memory.keepLibraryAst": true
The problem might be with wrong setting configuration.
You might want to make sure these setting are on:
Controls if suggestions should automatically show up while typing
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"other": true,
"comments": false,
"strings": false
Controls the delay in ms after which quick suggestions will show up
"editor.quickSuggestionsDelay": 10,
Open Command Palette (Ctrl
Select Developer: show running extension
You will get their list of extensions and their reboot time
If extension takes more than 500ms to activate there seems to be a problem with it
You can press on right click and stop it
more details...