I have a field that I would like to validate. I want the field to be able to be left blank, but if a user is entering data I want it to be in a certain format. Currently I am us
You can also use this format:
validates :foo, length: {minimum: 5, maximum: 5}, allow_blank: true
Or since your min and max are the same, the following will also work:
validates :foo, length: {is: 5}, allow_blank: true
validates_length_of :reason, minimum: 3, maximum: 30
rspec for the same is
it { should validate_length_of(:reason).is_at_least(3).is_at_most(30) }
Or even more concise (with the new hash syntax), from the validates documentation:
validates :foo, length: 5..5, allow_blank: true
The upper limit should probably represent somehting more meaningful like "in: 5..20", but just answering the question to the letter.
From the validates_length_of documentation:
validates_length_of :phone, :in => 7..32, :allow_blank => true
- Attribute may be blank; skip validation.
How about that:
validates_length_of :foo, is: 3, allow_blank: true
In your model e.g.
def validate
errors.add_to_base 'error message' unless self.foo.length == 5 or self.foo.blanc?