I am attempting to implement an EXTREMELY basic test that uses jquery, underscore.js and backbone.js loaded via require.js and for some reason I just cannot seem to get everythi
Use optamd3 branch.
Feel free to have a look on the Modular Backbone.js Project Template which contains newest jQuery, Underscore, Backbone.js and RequireJS glued together .
I had the same problem. Actually I found that you do not need an AMD compliant Backbone or Underscore, or require-jquery or anything else (e.g. !order). All you need to do to is have app defined in paths and than set its dependencies in shim :). Somehow it used to work without it in the past.
paths: {
jquery: '../libs/jquery/jquery.1.9.1.min',
underscore: '../libs/underscore/underscore.min',
backbone: '../libs/backbone/backbone.min',
// ...
shim: {
"app": {
deps: ['jquery','underscore','backbone'],
exports: 'app'
"backbone": {
deps: ['jquery','underscore'],
exports: 'Backbone'
"underscore": {
exports: '_'
I have actually spent a lot of time struggling with this same exact problem!
Here's how I have managed to get it working...
First off, download the new sample require-js project with jQuery 1.7. In the zip file you'll find a file called require-jquery.js which includes jQuery 1.7 which is now AMD compliant.
Then download the latest version of require, which is now also AMD, and last, try this version of Backbone...
Burke has created this off of a fork of backbone and made an AMD compliant version.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Google Analytics API Browser</title>
<!-- This is a special version of jQuery with RequireJS built-in -->
<script data-main="main" src="require-jquery.js"></script>
define(['jquery','backbone','scripts/home'], function($, Backbone, router){
var init = function(){
// In here you can load your routers/views/whatever
return { init: init};
My file structure looks like
Let me know if that helps, hit me up on twitter @jcreamer898 if you need some more help, I am literally working on the same stuff!
UPDATE I recently created a Github 2 github projects, one an actual app, and another just a simple starter...
Here is an example of how to setup Backbone, lodash (Underscore replacement), jQuery, and Require: https://github.com/gfranko/Backbone-Require-Boilerplate