shoulda-matchers RSpec expect syntax

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伪装坚强ぢ 2021-01-30 17:49

What is the correct format for using shoulda-matchers and RSpec\'s new expect syntax?

  • 2021-01-30 18:20

    While one could certainly use the shoulda-matchers with the new expect syntax as follows:

    it 'should validate presence of :email' do
      expect(subject).to validate_presence_of :email

    or the more concise but less readable:

    it { expect(subject).to validate_presence_of :email }

    the one-liner should format these matchers are typically used with is explicitly supported in 2.14 even when config.syntax == :expect. When should is being used with an implicit subject as in:

    describe User
      it { should validate_presence_of :email }

    it does not rely on the monkey patching of Kernel that should otherwise depends on.

    This is covered in In fact, that documentation even uses the above shoulda matcher example to illustrate this exception.

    See also Using implicit `subject` with `expect` in RSpec-2.11, which discusses a configuration option which lets you use as an alternative to it.

    expect_it { to validate_presence_of :email }

    Update: As of RSpec 3.0 (beta2), you will also be able to use:

    it { validate_presence_of :email }
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  • 2021-01-30 18:29

    I'll suplement the answer of @peter-alfvin. In case you test the model and its migration themselves with shoulda-matchers you can't use :expect outside of it block, so can't write:

    RSpec.describe ModelName, type: :model do
       expect(subject).to belong_to(:user)

    And you will get the expection:

    `expect` is not available on an example group (e.g. a `describe` or `context` block).

    but correct version is:

    RSpec.describe ModelName, type: :model do
       it { expect(subject).to belong_to(:user) }
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