Is there an easier way to access attributes of a class in R, can I use dot notation?

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暖寄归人 2021-01-30 17:46

I have created an object in R that contains several attributes. How can I easily access them?

I can do:

attr(x, attributeName)


  • 2021-01-30 17:50

    probably there is no built-in function that is counter part of . in C++, but you can define it like this:

    > `%.%` <- function(o, a) attr(o, as.character(substitute(a)))
    > x <- 1
    > attr(x, "orz") <- 2
    > x%.%orz
    [1] 2
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-30 17:51

    attributes() returns a named list. I'd call it once and store them, then access via names. There is no point repeatedly calling either attr() or attributes() if you don't have to.

    x <- 1:10
    attr(x, "foo") <- "a"
    attr(x, "bar") <- "b"
    (features <- attributes(x))

    which gives:

    R> (features <- attributes(x))
    [1] "a"
    [1] "b"

    then access in the usual way

    R> features["foo"]
    [1] "a"
    R> features$foo
    [1] "a"
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-30 18:00

    Don't use attributes for your object, use a list:

    myobj <- structure(list(a = 1, b = 2), class = "myclass")
    print.myclass <- function(x, ...) cat("A: ", x$a, " B: ", x$b, "\n", sep = "")

    Of course, this might not work if you're extending an existing object (e.g. vector), but in my experience it's a generally better way to build objects.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-30 18:01

    Example of using the match.length attribute that is returned from regexpr:

    Three strings in a vector, first and third include an embedded string:

    data=c("<a href=\"ch4.html\">Chapter 1</a>",
           "no quoted string is embedded in this string",
           "<a   href=\"appendix.html\">Appendix</a>")

    Use regexpr to locate the embedded strings:

    > locations <- regexpr("\"(.*?)\"", data)

    Matches are in the first string (at 9 with length 10) and third string (at 11 with length 15):

    > locations
    [1]  9 -1 11
    [1] 10 -1 15
    [1] TRUE

    Vector from the attribute:

    > attr(locations,"match.length")
    [1] 10 -1 15

    Use substr and the attribute vector to extract the strings:

    > quoted_strings=substr( data, 
                             locations+attr(locations,"match.length")-1 )    
    > quoted_strings
    [1] "\"ch4.html\""      ""                  "\"appendix.html\""

    Maybe you'd like to remove the embedded quote characters from your strings:

    > gsub("\"", "", quoted_strings)
    [1] "ch4.html"      ""              "appendix.html"

    An alternative is to use regmatches:

    > regmatches(data,locations)
    [1] "\"ch4.html\""      "\"appendix.html\""
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