I was working on an android tutorial and it wanted me to import the library from another
Just for completing Erhannis answer: If you fixed the problem but it appears again when you restart Eclipse, then just go to the file local.properties
on your workspace folder and verify that the location of the Android SDK there is correct.
You need to click on the menu icon with the Android sitting in the grey box with a white arrow pointing down "Opens the Android SDK Manager".
or, from the command line, run:
%ANDROID_HOME%\tools\android sdk
At times, when only single Android SDK version is installed on your system, and if it gets changed either by un-installing / re-installing Eclipse, or otherwise (directly through SDK Manager), then this issue might crop up. . This is accompanied by the message like this on Eclipse console:
YourApp] Unable to resolve target 'android-22'
. A simple workaround to this issue is:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="14" android:targetSdkVersion="21" />
change the targetSdkVersion to the one currently installed on your system