There's a lot of folks here on the "no comments, so what?" bandwagon here. Literate code without comments is perfectly possible, but just because someone is smart and doesn't comment doesn't necessarily mean that they are writing literate code.
So let's clarify. You already said he doesn't document his code at all, either in comments or separate documents, and he doesn't use any source control. How about:
- Is his code understandable despite the lack of comments?
- Does your team use any kind of issue tracking (e.g. FogBugz, Bugzilla, etc) which he participates in?
- Is his code under test?
- Is there anyone else on the team who actually is at least somewhat familiar with how his code works?
- Is he willing to at least acknowledge that he could stand to make some changes in the way he works with the rest of the team?
If the answer to all of these questions is "no", you have a big problem. Just being smart doesn't necessarily make someone an asset. Do you have any guarantee that he won't leave your company tomorrow, or get hit by a bus? How screwed would you be if that happened? Is it worth the risk?