My .vimrc
has the following lines
set mouse=a
But wh
Using vim in iTerm 2 in OS X, you can
:set mouse=a
to enable scrolling with the scroll wheel, as well as selecting to enter Visual mode, etc.
Just an option. I missed a lot of functionality in OSX, which I was totally used to from linux. The best setup that comes close to urxvt + vim is to use iTerm2 + MacVim.
Just a few things is missed and got back this way:
Unfortunately the most outstanding feature "middlemouse-clipboard" from xorg is not implemented in any term I know. Well as said its an xorg feature, and will probably never be implemented.
If your on the way to make the terminal useful in OS X don't forget the masterpiece homebrew.
I had the same problem using Mac's Terminal. I think it is an issue with it. Once I upgraded to Lion I don't have the problem of scrolling in vim. Please consider using iTerm2. It will solve the problem of scrolling and gives you the 256 term colors.
If you use iTerm, you can simply execute the following command:
defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 AlternateMouseScroll -bool true
This will enable mouse scrolling without having to add anything in your .vimrc
Mouse wheel action works when your TERM is set to xterm not to linux. So, please set "setenv TERM xterm" in the .cshrc or .bashrc, then it will work.
You could try using, which adds mouse reporting support to Terminal.