I\'m using Hibernate for ORM of my Java app to an Oracle database (not that the database vendor matters, we may switch to another database one day), and I want to retrieve objec
Since Hibernate 5.2 session.createCriteria
is deprecated. Below is solution using JPA 2 CriteriaBuilder. It uses like
and upper
CriteriaBuilder builder = session.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Person> criteria = builder.createQuery(Person.class);
Root<Person> root = criteria.from(Person.class);
Expression<String> upper = builder.upper(root.get("town"));
criteria.where(builder.like(upper, "%FRAN%"));
This can also be done using the criterion Example, in the org.hibernate.criterion package.
public List findLike(Object entity, MatchMode matchMode) {
Example example = Example.create(entity);
return getSession().createCriteria(entity.getClass()).add(
Just another way that I find useful to accomplish the above.
You could look at using Compass a wrapper above lucene.
By adding a few annotations to your domain objects you get achieve this kind of thing.
Compass provides a simple API for working with Lucene. If you know how to use an ORM, then you will feel right at home with Compass with simple operations for save, and delete & query.
From the site itself. "Building on top of Lucene, Compass simplifies common usage patterns of Lucene such as google-style search, index updates as well as more advanced concepts such as caching and index sharding (sub indexes). Compass also uses built in optimizations for concurrent commits and merges."
I have used this in the past and I find it great.
For the simple case you describe, look at Restrictions.ilike(), which does a case-insensitive search.
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Person.class);
crit.add(Restrictions.ilike('town', '%fran%');
List results = crit.list();
You also do not have to put in the '%' wildcards. You can pass MatchMode (docs for previous releases here) in to tell the search how to behave. START
, and END
matches are the options.
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Person.class);
crit.add(Restrictions.ilike('town', 'fran', MatchMode.ANYWHERE);
List results = crit.list();