Is there a way to embed the Github contributions graph in HTML5?
You can scrape the HTML at this url:<username>/contributions
and put it on your page.
I wrote a JavaScript library to do that: github-calendar.
Here is an example how to use it:
<!-- Prepare a container for your calendar. -->
<!-- Optionally, include the theme (if you don't want to struggle to write the CSS) -->
<!-- Prepare a container for your calendar. -->
<div class="calendar">
<!-- Loading stuff -->
Loading the data just for you.
new GitHubCalendar(".calendar", "your-username");
Here you can see it in action:
Basically, since we need cross domain requests we need a proxy. It makes a request to GitHub profile page (<user>
) and then brings back the needed stuff from there.
For more information, check out the documentation on GitHub.
I was able to achieve this with Angular 4 by doing the following:
Make a HTTP GET request to the url mentioned by @jianweichuah<username>/contributions
You'll need a proxy to get past the CORS issue just as the github-calendar library does. proxy-url/<username>/contributions
Then present it back in the template.
Sadly you don't get all the information easily, but it is in the SVG details.
I have a write-up of my exact steps here: And an example of it on the main site under the GitHub tab. I also grabbed my user information from the GitHub API and populated it around the chart.
Grass Graph is what I found as the best option to do what you're looking for.
You can get the graph generated as simple image by simply putting it so:
<img src="">
This guy: wrote a Github chart API. This could definitely help: . Plus it is only HTML, so couldn't get any cleaner. Just change the username and alt tag to yours.