Putting some indicator around the image in image move/resize/rotate operations

前端 未结 8 1443
终归单人心 2021-01-30 13:54

I would like to Scale, Move, Resize Image. I would like to surround the image with Indicators which guide user what operation these indicators perform i.e. Moving, Rotating, S

  • 2021-01-30 14:42

    Using Library : StickerView

    Its a 3rd Party Library which gives exactly what i was looking for.

    WorkAround :

    Still these answer is half of what I've asked for in OP. Means It ain't surronded by some specific Indicator. I'm still searching how to wrap ImageView with indicators and use them for Translate & Resize.

    Initilization of Variables inside Activity important for Translate & Resize ImageView

    public static final int DRAG = 1;
    public static final int NONE = 0;
    private static final String TAG = "Touch";
    public static final int ZOOM = 2;
    public static PointF mid = new PointF();
    public static int mode = 0;
    float d = 0.0F;
    Matrix savedMatrix = new Matrix();
    Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
    PointF start = new PointF();

    Setting ImageView to scaleType - Matrix

    iv = new ImageView(this);
    iv.setPadding(10, 10, 25, 25);

    Adding onTouch Listener to ImageView which uses

    • 1 Finger for Translate - Drag
    • 2 Finger for Zoom - Resize {Pinch To Zoom}

      View.OnTouchListener t = new View.OnTouchListener()
      public boolean onTouch(View paramView, MotionEvent event)
        ImageView view = (ImageView)paramView;
        switch (event.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK)
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
            start.set(event.getX(), event.getY());
            Log.d(TAG, "mode=DRAG" );
            mode = DRAG;
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN:
            oldDist = spacing(event);
            Log.d(TAG, "oldDist=" + oldDist);
            if (oldDist > 10f) {
                midPoint(mid, event);
                mode = ZOOM;
                Log.d(TAG, "mode=ZOOM" );
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
            if (mode == DRAG) {
                matrix.postTranslate(event.getX() - start.x, event.getY() - start.y);
            else if (mode == ZOOM) {
                float newDist = spacing(event);
                Log.d(TAG, "newDist=" + newDist);
                if (newDist > 10f) {
                    float scale = newDist / oldDist;
                    matrix.postScale(scale, scale, mid.x, mid.y);
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
            mode = NONE;
            Log.d(TAG, "mode=NONE" );
        return true;
       private void midPoint(PointF point, MotionEvent event) {
          float x = event.getX(0) + event.getX(1);
          float y = event.getY(0) + event.getY(1);
          point.set(x / 2, y / 2);
            private float spacing(MotionEvent event) {
            float x = event.getX(0) - event.getX(1);
            float y = event.getY(0) - event.getY(1);
            return FloatMath.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
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  • 2021-01-30 14:49

    I think I can help you with the rotation part. I recently made an android wheel menu library. It tracks user's hand motion and rotates the imageview accordingly. You can check out the source to see how I did it here:


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