I have wind direction data coming from a weather vane, and the data is represented in 0 to 359 degrees.
I want to convert this into text format (compass rose) with 16 di
this works fine
#!/usr/bin/env python
def wind_deg_to_str1(deg):
if deg >= 11.25 and deg < 33.75: return 'NNE'
elif deg >= 33.75 and deg < 56.25: return 'NE'
elif deg >= 56.25 and deg < 78.75: return 'ENE'
elif deg >= 78.75 and deg < 101.25: return 'E'
elif deg >= 101.25 and deg < 123.75: return 'ESE'
elif deg >= 123.75 and deg < 146.25: return 'SE'
elif deg >= 146.25 and deg < 168.75: return 'SSE'
elif deg >= 168.75 and deg < 191.25: return 'S'
elif deg >= 191.25 and deg < 213.75: return 'SSW'
elif deg >= 213.75 and deg < 236.25: return 'SW'
elif deg >= 236.25 and deg < 258.75: return 'WSW'
elif deg >= 258.75 and deg < 281.25: return 'W'
elif deg >= 281.25 and deg < 303.75: return 'WNW'
elif deg >= 303.75 and deg < 326.25: return 'NW'
elif deg >= 326.25 and deg < 348.75: return 'NNW'
else: return 'N'
def wind_deg_to_str2(deg):
arr = ['NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE', 'S', 'SSW', 'SW', 'WSW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW', 'N']
return arr[int(abs((deg - 11.25) % 360)/ 22.5)]
i = 0
while i < 360:
s1 = wind_deg_to_str1(i)
s2 = wind_deg_to_str2(i)
print '%5.1f deg -> func1(%-3s), func2(%-3s), same:%s' % (i, s1, s2, ('ok' if s1 == s2 else 'different'))
i += 0.5
Used this in Excel: VLOOKUP(MROUND(N12,22.5),N14:O29,2,FALSE)
Cell N12 is direction toward in degrees for which an answer is needed. The range N14:O29 is looking up the sector(A to R):
WIND SECTOR 0 A 22.5 B 45 C 67.5 D 90 E 112.5 F 135 G 157.5 H 180 J 202.5 K 225 L 247.5 M 270 N 292.5 P 315 Q 337.5 R
If you arrived here and are only interested in breaking your degrees into one of 8 directions.
function degToCompass(num){
const val = Math.floor((num / 45) + 0.5);
const arr = ["N","NE","E", "SE","S","SW","W","NW"];
return arr[(val % 8)]