Is it a bad idea to use DropBox as a backup system for Subversion repositories?
Has anyone tried using Subversion with an an online file sharing utility like DropBox? Wh
May be this will help you. I have put SVN Reposiroty inside of a Dropbox Folder.
I think it will probably work out OK if you're not accessing the repository from different locations, and let is synchronize before using it. It doesn't seem like a very stable solution though.
Is there any reason you can't us a publicly available URL for your repository?
I've got Dropbox, SVN and Xcode working fine here, I've had no problems what so ever.
You don't even need to be careful about which machine you commit/update from as Dropbox keeps EVERYTHING synchronised.
i got problems when use Dropbox to sync svn repository, once Dropbox failed to access one file, the file doesn't be synced again. then, the svn structure was been destroyed...