worked fine with v4.7.9. Now after updating to v4.8.0 today (replacing the old phpmyadmin
folder against the new one) I\'m getting this mess
1) create the tmp folder
mkdir /usr/share/phpmyadmin/tmp
2) findout your php user
<?php echo `whoami`; ?>
3) Change ownership of the tmp folder to the php user found in step 2
sudo chown -R step2phpuser:step2phpuser /usr/share/phpmyadmin/tmp
4) Signout of phpmyadmin and sign back in
I had the same error message. I'm using Ubuntu16.04 with lampp. You should go to 'phpmyadmin' directory, in my case '/opt/lampp/phpmyadmin/', create a new 'tmp' folder. Open a terminal window and:
sudo mkdir tmp
Now you have to change the group of the 'tmp' folder to give access to php user. In order to find it, you can create a php file inside your localhost directory, in my case 'htdocs'
sudo touch user.php
sudo nano user.php
Inside nano editor, type:
<?php echo `whoami`; ?>
Then press CTRL + O and CTRL + X to save and exit. Open the browser and type in your address bar
It shows your php user.
After that, go to the terminal and navigate to your recently created 'tmp' directory inside phpmyadmin directory and type:
sudo chgrp YOUR_PHP_USER tmp -R
And change the permission to the 'tmp' directory:
sudo chmod 775 tmp -R
I recommend never give 777 permission to any file.
I hope it helps!
Solution was to create a folder called tmp
like this: /usr/share/phpmyadmin/tmp
Also make sure that the user (or group) running the webserver (e.g. Apache) has write access to the newly created tmp folder. Consequently, change the ownership to that user or add write access for all users. The latter one might not be really advisable.
I had the same problem but none of the answers above could solve.
In my case my php security settings was so strict protecting php to access directories out of scope defined in open_basedir
located at my /etc/php.d/99-security.ini
(which I added perviously from a security toturial and the settings also could be located at /etc/php.ini
file in your case):
;; Limit PHP Access To File System
; Limits the PHP process from accessing files outside
; of specifically designated directories such as /var/www/html/
change to:
open_basedir="/home/:/etc/phpMyAdmin/:/var/lib/phpMyAdmin/:'/usr/share/phpmyadmin/tmp/" ;<== changing to this solved the prblem
you just need to add your own directory in error mesage ('/usr/share/phpmyadmin/tmp/') and the end of open_basedir
option. Don't forget placing separator :
before adding it.
In my case I added
$cfg['TempDir'] = '/usr/share/phpmyadmin/temp';
to the File within the phpmyadmin folder
Hope it will help someone
For Arch and Manjaro users:
Create a folder tmp
at /etc/webapps/phpmyadmin/
- mkdir /etc/webapps/phpmyadmin/tmp
Set permission to 777 - chmod 777 /etc/webapps/phpmyadmin/tmp
Add this line to the config file at /etc/webapps/phpmyadmin/
- $cfg['TempDir'] = '/tmp';
Cheers :)