I have a client app that tries every 10 seconds to send a message over a WCF web service. This client app will be on a computer on board a ship, which we know will have spotty
Client service proxies cannot be reused once they have faulted. You must dispose of the old one and recreate a new one.
You must also make sure you close the client service proxy properly. It is possible for a WCF service proxy to throw an exception on close, and if this happens the connecting is not closed, so you must abort. Use the "try{Close}/catch{Abort}" pattern. Also bear in mind that the dispose method calls close (and hence can throw an exception from the dispose), so you can't just use a using like with normal disposable classes.
For example:
if (yourServiceProxy != null)
if (yourServiceProxy.State != CommunicationState.Faulted)
catch (CommunicationException)
// Communication exceptions are normal when
// closing the connection.
catch (TimeoutException)
// Timeout exceptions are normal when closing
// the connection.
catch (Exception)
// Any other exception and you should
// abort the connection and rethrow to
// allow the exception to bubble upwards.
// This is just to stop you from trying to
// close it again (with the null check at the start).
// This may not be necessary depending on
// your architecture.
yourServiceProxy = null;
There is a blog article about this here