recursive descent parser and functional programming

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一生所求 2021-01-30 11:12

So lately I have been working on writing a simple compiler to better understand compiler concepts. Being a diligent reader of stackoverfolow, it seems there is a consensus that

  • 2021-01-30 11:40

    A simpler answer than the other good answers:

    A parser in a function language takes a token stream into a parse tree and the rest of the token stream. That is, it has type

     token list -> ast * token list

    A recursive decent parser usually have a large number of functions that of this type which eats the token stream and then builds a little part of the parse tree. By calling these recursively (recursive decent) -- you get what you want.

    The next step up is to use higher order parsers: parsers operating on other parsers. This is what parser combinator libraries do. Perhaps you could start with a simple recursion scheme and then upgrade it to parser combinators.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-30 11:45

    Answer derived from this blog article:

    So my question is what would a more traditional functional approach to parsing (i.e. few side effects) look like?

    Sounds like you need to separate functional (as in Lisp, Scheme, Standard ML, CAML, OCaml, F#) from purity (absence of side effects, as in Haskell) and incidental language features (algebraic datatypes, pattern matching).

    Thanks to algebraic datatypes, pattern matching and higher-order functions, F# is a good for parsing and great for transformations and code generation but most production parsers written in F# are not pure. Historically, the family of languages F# is mostly derived from (the MetaLanguages, or MLs) were bred specifically for this kind of metaprogramming.

    Here is a very simple set of mutually-recursive active patterns that parse and evaluate mathematical expressions composed of single digits, + - * operators and bracketed subexpressions:

    > let rec (|Term|_|) = function
        | Factor(e1, t) ->
            let rec aux e1 = function
              | '+'::Factor(e2, t) -> aux (e1 + e2) t
              | '-'::Factor(e2, t) -> aux (e1 - e2) t
              | t -> Some(e1, t)
            aux e1 t
        | _ -> None
      and (|Factor|_|) = function
        | '-'::Factor(e, t) -> Some(-e, t)
        | Atom(e1, '*'::Factor(e2, t)) -> Some(e1 * e2, t)
        | Atom(e, t) -> Some(e, t)
        | _ -> None
      and (|Atom|_|) = function
        | c::t when '0'<=c && c<='9' -> Some(int(string c), t)
        | '('::Term(e, ')'::t) -> Some(e, t)
        | _ -> None;;
    val ( |Term|_| ) : char list -> (int * char list) option
    val ( |Factor|_| ) : char list -> (int * char list) option
    val ( |Atom|_| ) : char list -> (int * char list) option

    Here is an example of it being used to parse and evaluate an expression:

    > let (Term e) = List.ofSeq "1+2*(3-4)*-5";;
    val e : int * char list = (11, [])

    That's a pure solution that's using pattern matching over lists with F#'s active patterns. In reality, you'll want to define a type for your abstract syntax tree and return a value of that type. This is really easy in F#:

    type expr =
      | Int of int
      | Neg of expr
      | Add of expr * expr
      | Sub of expr * expr
      | Mul of expr * expr
      static member (~-) f = Neg f
      static member (+) (f, g) = Add(f, g)
      static member (-) (f, g) = Sub(f, g)
      static member (*) (f, g) = Mul(f, g)
    let rec (|Term|_|) = function
      | Factor(e1, t) ->
          let rec aux e1 = function
            | '+'::Factor(e2, t) -> aux (e1 + e2) t
            | '-'::Factor(e2, t) -> aux (e1 - e2) t
            | t -> Some(e1, t)
          aux e1 t
      | _ -> None
    and (|Factor|_|) = function
      | '-'::Factor(e, t) -> Some(-e, t)
      | Atom(e1, '*'::Factor(e2, t)) -> Some(e1 * e2, t)
      | Atom(e, t) -> Some(e, t)
      | _ -> None
    and (|Atom|_|) = function
      | c::t when '0'<=c && c<='9' -> Some(Int(int(string c)), t)
      | '('::Term(e, ')'::t) -> Some(e, t)
      | _ -> None
    let (Term e) = List.ofSeq "1+2*(3-4)*-5"

    Note that only one minor change to the parser was required because the AST can also be constructed using the +, - and * operators.

    Second, is it worthwhile to try and adopt a functional approach to parsing, or is it really on optimizations to intermediate code that functional languages shine and I just haven't gotten there yet?

    You're talking about purity, not functional programming. Purity is not particularly useful in the context of parsing text and, in fact, can be a real hindrance (e.g. interning symbols is a nightmare in Haskell). However, F# has many other benefits that make it good for this set of problems. In particular, although other languages like OCaml have much better tools for parsing, I think F# is the best .NET language in this context.

    That is, should I fuddle through the parsing in F# using an imperative style and switch to a more functional approach later on?

    Depends entirely upon what you want to make functional. I'd use fslex and fsyacc with pure code to construct ASTs in the actions but impurities for anything like hash consing or generating unique IDs.

    You may appreciate the following articles I have written on this subject at this blog (note paywall):

    • "Parsing text with Lex and Yacc" (30th September 2007).
    • "Optimizing a simple bytecode interpreter" (31st October 2007).
    • "Parser combinators" (30th November 2007).
    • "Language-oriented programming: The Term-level Interpreter" (31st December 2007).
    • "Language-oriented programming: Term Rewriting" (16th August 2008).
    • "Run-time code generation using System.Reflection.Emit" (31st August 2008).
    • "Parsing and visualizing binary Geographic Information System data" (30th November 2009).
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  • 2021-01-30 11:48

    One strategy for functional parsing is monadic parser combinators. You can read some about it here (and follow links) or use a library like FParsec. I do not recommend this approach if you're just learning/starting F#/compilers, though.

    Another approach with F# is to use FsLex/FsYacc (in the PowerPack). I kinda loathe Lex/Yacc technology, so I also don't recommend this.

    I think you should write a recursive decent parser by hand. I don't have strong feelings regarding a tokenizer, but simply tokeninize the entire file into a(n immutable) list of tokens and then doing recursive descent (and leveraging some pattern-matching) is a good way to to deal with parsing. And of course, you'll want to use discrimated unions to represent the AST output of the parser (a la here).

    I haven't read the dragon book in a long time, but I'm apparently the only person on the planet who doesn't like it. I would consider abandoning that text in favor of a book that discusses compilers using some ML-based language, though I can't recommend one offhand.


    I haven't done one of these in a while, so I took a few minutes to code a small sample.

    // AST for tiny language
    type Op = 
        | Plus 
        | Minus 
    type Expr = 
        | Literal of int 
        | BinaryOp of Expr * Op * Expr // left, op, right 
    type Stmt =
        | IfThenElse of Expr * Stmt * Stmt // cond, then, else; 0=false in cond 
        | Print of Expr
    // sample program
    let input = @"
        if 1+1-1 then 
            print 42 
            print 0"
    // expected AST
    let goal = 
            BinaryOp( BinaryOp(Literal(1),Plus,Literal(1)), Minus, Literal(1)), 
    // Lexer
    type Token =
        | IF
        | THEN
        | ELSE
        | PRINT
        | NUM of int  // non-negative
        | PLUS
        | MINUS
        | EOF
    let makeTokenizer (s:string) =
        let i = ref 0
        let keywords = [
            "if", IF 
            "then", THEN
            "else", ELSE
            "print", PRINT
            "+", PLUS
            "-", MINUS ]
        let rec getNextToken() =
            if !i >= s.Length then
            elif System.Char.IsWhiteSpace(s.[!i]) then
                incr i
            elif System.Char.IsDigit(s.[!i]) then
                let mutable j = !i
                while j < s.Length && System.Char.IsDigit(s.[j]) do
                    j <- j + 1
                let numStr = s.Substring(!i, j - !i)
                i := j
                NUM(System.Int32.Parse(numStr)) // may throw, e.g. if > MAXINT
                let keyword = keywords |> List.tryPick (fun (kwStr,kwTok) ->
                    if s.IndexOf(kwStr, !i) = !i then
                        i := !i + kwStr.Length
                match keyword with
                | Some k -> k
                | None -> 
                    failwith "unexpected char '%c' at position %d" s.[!i] !i
    let tokens = 
        let nextToken = makeTokenizer input
        let t = ref(nextToken())
            yield !t
            while !t <> EOF do
                t := nextToken()
                yield !t
    printfn "%A" tokens // sanity check our tokenizer works
    // Parser
    let parseExpr toks =
        match toks with
        | NUM x :: rest ->
            let mutable rest = rest
            let mutable expr = Literal x
            while rest.Head = PLUS || rest.Head = MINUS do
                let op,y,r = 
                    match rest with
                    | PLUS::NUM y::t -> Plus, Literal y, t
                    | MINUS::NUM y::t -> Minus, Literal y, t
                    | _ -> 
                        failwith "parse error in expression, expected number"
                expr <- BinaryOp(expr, op, y)
                rest <- r
            expr, rest
        | _ -> failwith "parse error in expression, expected number"
    let rec parseStmt toks =
        match toks with
        | PRINT :: rest -> 
            let e,rest = parseExpr(rest)
            Print(e), rest
        | IF :: rest ->
            let e,rest = parseExpr(rest)
            match rest with
            | THEN :: rest ->
                let s1,rest = parseStmt(rest)
                match rest with
                | ELSE :: rest ->
                    let s2,rest = parseStmt(rest)
                    IfThenElse(e,s1,s2), rest
                | _ -> 
                    failwith "parse error after if branch, espected 'else'"
            | _ -> 
                failwith "parse error after if expression, expected 'then'"
        | _ -> failwith "parse error, expected statement"
    let parseProgram toks =
        let s,rest = parseStmt toks
        match rest with
        | [EOF] -> s
        | _ -> failwith "parse error after statement, expected EOF"
    let p = parseProgram tokens
    printfn "%A" p
    assert( p = goal )

    (Hopefully there are no egregious bugs.)

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-30 11:53

    I've been working on a ECMAScript compiler in F# for a while so I'm in the same boat as you. Mayhap some of my work could be of use to you. Here is a simple parser combinator library I've been working on which I use in combination with FParsec. It is no where near perfect but it should give you something simple enough to study so you can move to more advanced things. If you do end up using FParsec you may notice that a lot of things here were inspired by it.

    module Tools =
        open System
        open System.Diagnostics
        open LazyList 
        type State<'a, 'b> (input:LazyList<'a>, data:'b) = //'
            member this.Input = input
            member this.Data = data
        type Result<'a, 'b, 'c> = //'
        | Success of 'c * State<'a, 'b>
        | Failure of list<string> * State<'a, 'b>    
        type Parser<'a, 'b, 'c> = //' 
            State<'a, 'b> -> seq<Result<'a, 'b, 'c>>
        let zero<'a, 'b, 'c> (state:State<'a, 'b>) = //'
            Seq.empty<Result<'a, 'b, 'c>>
        let item<'a, 'b> (state:State<'a, 'b>) = seq { //'
            match state.Input with
            | Cons (head, tail) ->
                yield Success(head, State (tail, state.Data))
            | Nil -> ()
        let result<'a, 'b, 'c> (value:'c) (state:State<'a, 'b>) = seq  { //'
            yield Success (value, state)
        let run p i d =
            p (State(i, d)) 
        let (>>=) (m:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) (f:'c -> Parser<'a, 'b, 'd>) (state:State<'a, 'b>) = //'
            let rec run errors = seq {
                for r in m state do
                    match r with
                    | Success (v, s) ->
                        yield! f v s
                    | Failure (ms, s) ->
                        yield! run (errors @ ms)
            run []
        let (<|>) (l:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) (r:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) (state:State<'a, 'b>) = //'  
            let rec run p = seq {
                for result in p state do
                    match result with
                    | Success (_, _) ->
                        yield result
                    | Failure (_, _) -> ()
            Seq.append (run l) (run r)
        type ParseMonad() =        
            member this.Bind (f:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>, g:'c -> Parser<'a, 'b, 'd>) : Parser<'a, 'b, 'd> = f >>= g //'     
            member this.Combine (f, g) = f <|> g      
            member this.Delay (f:unit -> Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) (state:State<'a, 'b>) = f () state //'
            member this.Return x = result x
            member this.ReturnFrom p = p
            member this.Zero () = zero
        let parse = ParseMonad()
        let (|>>) (parser:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) (f:'c -> 'd) = parse { //'
            let! v = parser
            return f v   
        let satisfy predicate = parse {
            let! value = item
            if predicate value then
                return value 
        let maybe parser = parse {
            return! parser |>> Some <|> result None 
        let choice (ps:seq<Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>>) (state:State<'a, 'b>) = seq { //'
            if not (LazyList.isEmpty state.Input) then
                for p in ps do
                    yield! p state    
        let between left right parser =
            parse {
                let! _ = left
                let! v = parser
                let! _ = right
                return v
        let skip p = parse {
            let! v = p
            return ()
        let many parser = 
            let rec many result = parse {
                let! v = parser
                let result = v::result
                return! many result
                return result    
            many []
        let many1 parser = parse {
            let! r = many parser
            if not r.IsEmpty then
                return r
        let manyFold parser start (f:_ -> _ -> _) = parse {
            let! r = many parser
            return r |> List.fold f start
        let many1Fold parser start (f:_ -> _ -> _) = parse {
            let! r = many1 parser
            return r |> List.fold f start
        let isNotFollowedBy p =
            parse {
                let! v = maybe p
                match v with
                | Some _ -> ()
                | None -> return ()
        let pipe2 (p1:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) (p2:Parser<'a, 'b, 'd>) (f:'c -> 'd -> 'e) = //' 
            parse {
                let! v1 = p1
                let! v2 = p2
                return f v1 v2
        let pipe3 (p1:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) (p2:Parser<'a, 'b, 'd>) (p3:Parser<'a, 'b, 'e>) (f:'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f) = //' 
            parse {
                let! v1 = p1
                let! v2 = p2
                let! v3 = p3
                return f v1 v2 v3
        let pipe4 (p1:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) (p2:Parser<'a, 'b, 'd>) (p3:Parser<'a, 'b, 'e>) (p4:Parser<'a, 'b, 'f>) (f:'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g) = //' 
            parse {
                let! v1 = p1
                let! v2 = p2
                let! v3 = p3
                let! v4 = p4
                return f v1 v2 v3 v4
        let pipe5 (p1:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) (p2:Parser<'a, 'b, 'd>) (p3:Parser<'a, 'b, 'e>) (p4:Parser<'a, 'b, 'f>) (p5:Parser<'a, 'b, 'g>) (f:'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> 'h) = //' 
            parse {
                let! v1 = p1
                let! v2 = p2
                let! v3 = p3
                let! v4 = p4
                let! v5 = p5
                return f v1 v2 v3 v4 v5
        let tuple2<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e> (p1:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) (p2:Parser<'a, 'b, 'd>) (f:'c * 'd -> 'e) = //' 
            parse {
                let! v1 = p1
                let! v2 = p2
                return f (v1, v2)
        let tuple3 (p1:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) (p2:Parser<'a, 'b, 'd>) (p3:Parser<'a, 'b, 'e>) (f:'c * 'd * 'e -> 'f) = //' 
            parse {
                let! v1 = p1
                let! v2 = p2
                let! v3 = p3
                return f (v1, v2, v3)
        let tuple4 (p1:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) (p2:Parser<'a, 'b, 'd>) (p3:Parser<'a, 'b, 'e>) (p4:Parser<'a, 'b, 'f>) (f:'c * 'd * 'e * 'f -> 'g) = //' 
            parse {
                let! v1 = p1
                let! v2 = p2
                let! v3 = p3
                let! v4 = p4
                return f (v1, v2, v3, v4)
        let tuple5 (p1:Parser<'a, 'b, 'c>) (p2:Parser<'a, 'b, 'd>) (p3:Parser<'a, 'b, 'e>) (p4:Parser<'a, 'b, 'f>) (p5:Parser<'a, 'b, 'g>) (f:'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g -> 'h) = //' 
            parse {
                let! v1 = p1
                let! v2 = p2
                let! v3 = p3
                let! v4 = p4
                let! v5 = p5
                return f (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5)
        let createParserRef<'a, 'b, 'c> () = //'
            let dummyParser = fun state -> failwith "a parser was not initialized"
            let r = ref dummyParser
            (fun state -> !r state), r : Parser<'a, 'b, 'c> * Parser<'a, 'b, 'c> ref //'

    NOTE: You will need FSharp PowerPack for the LazyList type.


    and conditionalExpressionNoIn = 
        parse {
            let! e1 = logicalORExpressionNoIn
            return! parse {
                do! skip expectQuestionMark
                let! e2 = assignmentExpression
                do! skip expectColon
                let! e3 = assignmentExpressionNoIn
                return ConditionalExpressionNoIn (e1, e2, e3)
            return ConditionalExpressionNoIn (e1, SourceElement.Nil, SourceElement.Nil)
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-30 11:57

    Parser combinators are indeed beautiful! FParsec is a very slick monadic parser combinator library you should check out. If you want to start out with something simple and still purely functional, you might enjoy the tokenizer/parser from the Scheme interpreter in F# series here (my blog):

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