I am new in Ruby. I have installed Ruby on Rails on Windows 7. I visited the following to choose a suitable IDE/Editor for writing Ruby code:
You need to install aptana sudio eclipse plugin and radrails will be included.
refer to this Cannot Install Aptana plugin on Eclipse 4.2
Ruby Development Tools, http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/ruby-dltk, is no longer available on marketplace.eclipse.org.
Aptana is largely dysfunctional on Luna and there is no wholesale alternative. However, combining the following plug-ins one gets a good degree of support:
TM Terminal - provides local and remote command line sessions within Eclipse.
Ruby Development Tools - the reference Ruby editor.
JavaScript Development Tools - the base JavaScript editor.
EGit - the Git integration plug-in.
I run rails
and rake
in the command line; I also debug through the command line (e.g. using binding.pry
). Editing .erb
files is the trickiest bit, the Ruby editor is ok, but in legacy code I have a great deal of JS in these files; in such cases I use the JavaScript Development tools.
With this setup Eclipse runs considerably lighter than with Aptana.
To save you some legwork, in Eclipse:
You are done...
Now when you use the "New" menu, you'll have the option to make a Ruby project (among other things).
I am using Eclipse Luna and installed Ruby(DLTK) 5.0 kepler from Eclipse Marketplace. I just imported my existing Rails project and seeing it working well with this. I am still exploring it. Hope that helps.