I need to trim New Line (Chr(13) and Chr(10) and Tab space from the beginning and end of a String) in an Oracle query. I learnt that there is no easy way to trim multiple charac
In cases where the Oracle solution seems overly convoluted, I create a java class with static methods and then install it as a package in Oracle. This might not be as performant, but you will eventually find other cases (date conversion to milliseconds for example) where you will find the java fallback helpful.
Try the code below. It will work if you enter multiple lines in a single column.
create table products (prod_id number , prod_desc varchar2(50));
insert into products values(1,'test first
test second
test third');
select replace(replace(prod_desc,chr(10),' '),chr(13),' ') from products where prod_id=2;
Output :test first test second test third