I\'m trying to use the mongodump command to dump out a bunch of records created on a specific date. The records include a \"ts\" field which is a MongoDB Date() object.
A more human-readable version than @SimonWillison's escaped version:
--query "{ time: { \$gt: new Date(1312959600000), \$lt: new Date(1313046000000) }}"
(Note the dollarsigns still need to be escaped.)
I got the millisecond timestamps by creating dates in the shell, e.g.:
> var targetDateStart = new Date(2011, 7, 10);
> var targetDateEnd = new Date(2011, 7, 11);
> targetDateStart.getTime();
> targetDateEnd.getTime();
In my case I queried entries created 14 days ago and end up with this bash script:
date_now=`date +%s%3N`
date_2weeks_ago=$[date_now - 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000]
query=$(printf '{ createdAt: { $gte: Date(%d) } }' $date_2weeks_ago)
echo $query > query.json
mongodump \
--collection=data \
rm query.json
mongodump version: r4.0.12