I know that WebRTC
was designed for browsers, but is it possible to use WebRTC libraries on mobile applications directly?
We (disclaimer: I work there) have built a set of libraries for doing this @ Frozen Mountain, in IceLink. Full WebRTC implementation for iOS, Android, .NET, etc.
One resource you might want to look at is this article: how to get started with webrtc and ios without wasting 10 hours of your life
One problem I am having is making sense of all the WebRTC/Libjingle
library files. At the moment, I can get the example app running but I wish there was a "Hello World" example out there.
Not yet, it is only supported in Firefox's nightly and Chrome, both desktop versions. See http://www.webrtc.org
Edit: sorry I thought you were asking for mobile browsers. For native apps it looks like a definite no :(
But there seems some mobile browser support http://www.morbo.org/2013/04/webrtc-support-on-android.html
If you are targeting android >= L you can build a native webRTC app pretty easily by embedding a (chrome) webview - which supports WebRTC - into your app.
See chrome webview
As of May 14 here is an android project using WebRTC
that works nicely.
I translated that entire android project to Objective-C
for iOS and got WebRTC working in iOS too but I'm having trouble on iPhone 4 and 4s. Just works in iPhone 5 and 5s.
I think the problem is the performance. When I make a videocall with the webrtc libraries it takes about 140% of the CPU on an iPhone 5, which I guess that's a lot of resources and the iPhone 4s can't handle it.
After struggling with the video connection (always disconnected after 10 seconds) I finally got WebRTC working on iPhone 4s, all you have to do is set the right constraints when creating the local videoSource capturing object:
NSString *_width = @"320";
NSString *_height = @"180";
NSString *_maxFrameRate = @"10";
RTCMediaConstraints *videoConstraints = [[RTCMediaConstraints alloc]
initWithMandatoryConstraints:@[[[RTCPair alloc] initWithKey:@"maxHeight" value:_height],
[[RTCPair alloc] initWithKey:@"maxWidth" value:_width],
[[RTCPair alloc] initWithKey:@"maxFrameRate" value:_maxFrameRate]] optionalConstraints:@[[[RTCPair alloc]
initWithKey:@"googCpuOveruseDetection" value:@"true"],
[[RTCPair alloc] initWithKey:@"googCpuLimitedResolution" value:@"true"]]];
RTCVideoSource *videoSource = [factory videoSourceWithCapturer:capturer constraints:videoConstraints];
RTCMediaStream *lms = [factory mediaStreamWithLabel:@"ARDAMS"];
[lms addVideoTrack:[factory videoTrackWithID:@"ARDAMSv0" source:videoSource]];
Note that this sends a very small video, but it works!
It is possible to work with WebRTC in mobile applications with the use of 3rd-party API's like OpenTok (iOS only, as of January 2014 Android in beta) http://tokbox.com/opentok/webrtc/downloads/index.html and Addlive (iOS and Android) http://www.addlive.com/platform-overview/