On a new project I need a hard use of lucene for a searcher implementation. This searcher will be a very important (and big) piece of the project. Is valid or convenient replaci
CouchDb seems to be a(n other) possible alternative to use Lucene via couchdb-lucene project.
Another option is to use elasticsearch (backed in lucene) width couchdb: http://www.elasticsearch.org/blog/2010/09/28/the_river_searchable_couchdb.html
For fulltext search solutions, I have used Lucene & Sphinx earlier but they are not that good to fetch best results to the supplied keyword. So I used mongodb fulltext search plugin MongoLantern, which is very good at it. Moreover in terms of performance it's using MongoDB as a backend engine, so there is no performance issues at all. waiting for more reviews in terms of Production usability of MongoLantern.
Look's possible but slower (see here)