I\'ve already found how to capitalize all words of the sentence, but not the first word only.
NSString *txt =@\"hi my friends!\"
[txt capitalizedString];
In swift you can do it as followed by using this extension:
extension String {
func ucfirst() -> String {
return (self as NSString).stringByReplacingCharactersInRange(NSMakeRange(0, 1), withString: (self as NSString).substringToIndex(1).uppercaseString)
calling your string like this:
var ucfirstString:String = "test".ucfirst()
I know the question asks specifically for an Objective C answer, however here is a solution for Swift 2.0:
let txt = "hi my friends!"
var sentencecaseString = ""
for (index, character) in txt.characters.enumerate() {
if 0 == index {
sentencecaseString += String(character).uppercaseString
} else {
Or as an extension:
func sentencecaseString() -> String {
var sentencecaseString = ""
for (index, character) in self.characters.enumerate() {
if 0 == index {
sentencecaseString += String(character).uppercaseString
} else {
return sentencecaseString
pString = [pString
withString:[[pString substringToIndex:1] capitalizedString]];
Here is another go at it:
NSString *txt = @"hi my friends!";
txt = [txt stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0,1) withString:[[txt substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString]];
For Swift language:
txt.replaceRange(txt.startIndex...txt.startIndex, with: String(txt[txt.startIndex]).capitalizedString)
- (NSArray *)componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet *)separator
and capitalize the first object in the array and then use
- (NSString *)componentsJoinedByString:(NSString *)separator
to join them back
you can user with regular expression i have done it's works for me simple you can paste below code +(NSString*)CaptializeFirstCharacterOfSentence:(NSString*)sentence{
NSMutableString *firstCharacter = [sentence mutableCopy];
NSString *pattern = @"(^|\\.|\\?|\\!)\\s*(\\p{Letter})";
NSRegularExpression *regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:pattern options:0 error:NULL];
[regex enumerateMatchesInString:sentence options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [sentence length]) usingBlock:^(NSTextCheckingResult *result, NSMatchingFlags flags, BOOL *stop) {
//NSLog(@"%@", result);
NSRange r = [result rangeAtIndex:2];
[firstCharacter replaceCharactersInRange:r withString:[[sentence substringWithRange:r] uppercaseString]];
NSLog(@"%@", firstCharacter);
return firstCharacter;
} //Call this method NsString *resultSentence = [UserClass CaptializeFirstCharacterOfSentence:yourTexthere];