LightBDD is an open source framework allowing to write BDD tests that are easy to read but also easy to maintain and extend when project grows larger.
The main features that it offers are:
- easy to read scenarios,
- easy maintenance of tests,
- integration with well known testing frameworks (NUnit / MbUnit / MsTest / xUnit),
- scenario steps execution tracking and execution time measurement,
- test execution summary report generation in HTML (an example report), XML and plain text format.
It bases on tests that are written purely in code, which means native support for refactoring, code analysis, test running and all other features that Visual Studio / Intellisense / Resharper offers.
An example test written in this framework looks as follows:
@"In order to access personal data
As an user
I want to login into system")] //feature description
public partial class Login_feature //feature name
public void Successful_login() //scenario name
Given_user_is_about_to_login, //steps
More information about framework could be found on project wiki page and project main page.