Can the C++ `new` operator ever throw an exception in real life?

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2021-01-30 08:40

Can the new operator throw an exception in real life?

And if so, do I have any options for handling such an exception apart from killing my application?

  • 2021-01-30 09:06

    Most realistically new will throw due to a decision to limit a resource. Say this class (which may be memory intensive) takes memory out of the physicals pool and if to many objects take from it (we need memory for other things like sound, textures etc) it may throw instead of crashing later on when something that should be able to allocate memory takes it. (looks like a weird side effect).

    Overloading new can be useful in devices with restricted memory. Such as handhelds or on consoles when its too easy to go overboard with cool effects.

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  • 2021-01-30 09:07

    You don't need to handle the exception in every single new :) Exceptions can propagate. Design your code so that there are certain points in each "module" where that error is handled.

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  • 2021-01-30 09:10

    Note that in Windows, very large new/mallocs will just allocate from virtual memory. In practice, your machine will crash before you see that exception.

    char *pCrashMyMachine = new char[TWO_GIGABYTES];

    Try it if you dare!

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  • 2021-01-30 09:11

    It depends on the compiler/runtime and on the operator new that you are using (e.g. certain versions of Visual Studio will not throw out of the box, but would rather return a NULL pointer a la malloc instead.)

    You can always catch a std::bad_alloc exception, or explicitly use nothrow new to return NULL instead of throwing. (Also see past StackOverflow posts revolving around the subject.)

    Note that operator new, like malloc, will fail when you have run out of memory, out of address space (e.g. 2-3GB in a 32-bit process depending on the OS), out of quota (ulimit was already mentioned) or out of contiguous address space (e.g. fragmented heap.)

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  • 2021-01-30 09:11

    Yes, new can and will throw.

    Since you are asking about 'real' programs: I've worked on various shrink-wrapped commercial software applications for over 20 years. 'Real' programs with millions of users. That you can go and buy off the shelf today. Yes, new can throw.

    There are various ways to handle this.

    First, write your own new_handler (this is called before new gives up and throws - see set_new_handler() function). When your new_handler is called, see if you can free some things you don't really need. Also warn the user that they are running low on memory. (yes, it can be hard to warn the user about anything if you are really low).

    One thing is to have pre-allocated, at the start of your program some 'extra' memory. When you run out of memory, use this extra memory to help save a copy of the user's document to disk. Then warn, and maybe exit gracefully.

    Etc. This is just a overview, obviously there is more to it.

    Handling low memory is not easy.

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  • 2021-01-30 09:12

    It's good to check/catch this exception when you are allocating memory based from something given from outside (from user space, network e.g.), because it could mean an attempt to compromise your application/service/system and you shouldn't allow this to happen.

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