I have a new Ubuntu 12.04 VPS. I am trying to write a setup script that completes an entire LAMP installation. Where I am having trouble is appending a line to the /etc/ho
If your in mac or you need sudo permission to this try this:
sudo -- sh -c -e "echo ' subdomain.domain.com' >> /etc/hosts";
It will still ask you for password.
alternative way from @kainjow
echo ' subdomain.domain.com' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
echo " localhost `hostname`">./temp_hosts
echo "192.241.xx.xx venus.example.com">>./temp_hosts
cat /etc/hosts |tail -n +2 >>./temp_hosts
cat ./temp_hosts > /etc/hosts
rm ./temp_file
try this with root access.
public void edithost() {
sudo("echo " + " www.openrap.com openrap" + " >> /etc/hosts");
sudo("echo " + " openrap.com openrap" + " >> /etc/hosts");
sudo("echo " + " www.openrap.com openrap" + " >> /etc/hosts");
sudo("echo " + " openrap.com openrap" + " >> /etc/hosts");
sudo for super user permission
public static void sudo(String... strings) {
try {
Process su = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(su.getOutputStream());
for (String s : strings) {
outputStream.writeBytes(s + "\n");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
this will append the lines to hosts in the android
I should point out that sed
(the stream editor) is not actually intended for editing files, although it can be used to do that. (Standard sed doesn't have a built-in mechanism for writing to other than standard output.) A more appropriate tool would be ed.
The following ed script says "find the line containing the (admittedly sloppy) regular expression / and append at the next line." (The lone period tells ed to stop appending.)
ed /etc/hosts <<-'EOF'
192.241.xx.xx venus.example.com
That said, you can really just append this line to the end of your /etc/hosts file very trivially:
echo '192.241.xx.xx venus.example.com' >> /etc/hosts
If you want to programmatically insert/update a hosts entry using bash, here's a script I wrote to do that:
# insert/update hosts entry
# find existing instances in the host file and save the line numbers
matches_in_hosts="$(grep -n $host_name /etc/hosts | cut -f1 -d:)"
host_entry="${ip_address} ${host_name}"
echo "Please enter your password if requested."
if [ ! -z "$matches_in_hosts" ]
echo "Updating existing hosts entry."
# iterate over the line numbers on which matches were found
while read -r line_number; do
# replace the text of each line with the desired host entry
sudo sed -i '' "${line_number}s/.*/${host_entry} /" /etc/hosts
done <<< "$matches_in_hosts"
echo "Adding new hosts entry."
echo "$host_entry" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null
The script is intended for use with OS X but would work on linux as well with minor tweaking.
you can use sed
, like:
sed '/Venus/ a\
192.241.xx.xx venus.example.com venus' /etc/hosts