I am trying to configure ssl certificate for PostgreSQL server. I have created a certificate file (server.crt) and key (server.key) in data directory and update the parameter SS
On psql client v12, I could not find option in psql client to activate sslmode=verify-full
I ended up using environment variables :
PGSSLMODE=verify-full PGSSLROOTCERT=server-ca.pem psql -h your_host -U your_user -W -d your_db
Well, you cloud provide all the information with following command in CLI, if connection requires in SSL mode:
psql "sslmode=verify-ca sslrootcert=server-ca.pem sslcert=client-cert.pem sslkey=client-key.pem hostaddr=your_host port=5432 user=your_user dbname=your_db"
psql "sslmode=require host=localhost port=2345 dbname=postgres" --username=some_user
According to the postgres psql documentation, only the connection parameters should go in the conninfo string(that's why in our example, --username is not inside that string)
below 9.2 does not accept this URL-like syntax for options.
The use of SSL can be driven by the sslmode=value
option on the command line or the PGSSLMODE environment variable, but the default being prefer
, SSL connections will be tried first automatically without specifying anything.
Example with a conninfo string (updated for psql 8.4)
psql "sslmode=require host=localhost dbname=test"
Read the manual page for more options.
psql -h <host> -p <port> -U <user> -d <db>
and update /var/lib/pgsql/10/data/pg_hba.conf
to change the auth method to cert
. Check the following link for more information:
Found the following options useful to provide all the files for a self signed postgres instance
psql "host={hostname} sslmode=prefer sslrootcert={ca-cert.pem} sslcert={client-cert.pem} sslkey={client-key.pem} port={port} user={user} dbname={db}"