I\'d like to view and possibly edit tables for PostgreSQL visually like phpMyAdmin, where you can see the list of tables, and fields and individual rows for a table. Is there an
phpPgAdmin might work for you, if you're already familiar with phpMyAdmin.
Please note that development of phpPgAdmin has moved to github per this notice but the SourceForge link above is for historical / documentation purposes.
But really there are dozens of tools that can do this.
Azure Data Studio with Postgres addin is the tool of choice to manage postgres databases for me. Check it out. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/azure-data-studio/quickstart-postgres?view=sql-server-ver15
I would also highly recommend Adminer - http://www.adminer.org/
It is much faster than phpMyAdmin, does less funky iframe stuff, and supports both MySQL and PostgreSQL.
pgAdmin 4 is a powerful and popular web-based database management tool for PostgreSQL - http://www.pgadmin.org/