Cannot resolve symbol '?attr/actionBarSize' after updating Android Studio from 2.3 to 3.0 for buildToolsVersion '26.0.2'

后端 未结 16 2117
旧巷少年郎 2021-01-30 08:00

After updating Android Studio from 2.3 to 3.0 I changed buildToolsVersion from 26.0.0 to 26.0.2 and after then I am getting this error:

Cannot reso         

  • 2021-01-30 08:14

    Try to add this in your build.gradle(app) dependencies:

    resolutionStrategy {
        force ''
        force ''
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-30 08:14

    I tried all the answers here and so many others from lots of places but only the below techniques worked for me. The simple way is you just need to close the project then import the same project as a Gradle project Or you can go to Project structure -> project -> change Gradel plugin = 4.4 and Android plugin version = 3.1.4. Both of these above methods work.

    Note: These versions(4.4, 3.1.4) are latest when I write this answer please use the latest version instead of these.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-30 08:15

    This is what I did to fix exactly the same problem. 1. Go to SDK manager. 2. Check Android API 27 and Android 8.0 (Oreo) 3. Click "Apply" to download and install those SDKs 4. In build.gradle, change the 'buildToolsVersion "26.0.1"' to 'buildToolsVersion "26.0.2"' and do a gradle sync.

    Hope this can help fix your issue.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-30 08:19

    my problem solved by changing compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion from 26 to the last version 27, also u need to upgrade ur dependencies to 27.

    android {
        compileSdkVersion 27
        defaultConfig {
            applicationId "com......"
            minSdkVersion 15
            targetSdkVersion 27
            versionCode 1
            versionName "1.0"
            testInstrumentationRunner ""
        buildTypes {
            release {
                minifyEnabled false
                proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
    dependencies {
        implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
        implementation ''
        implementation ''

    hope this solve ur problem too :)

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-30 08:19

    Same issue here, if you're using AndroidX add this :

    implementation 'androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.0.0'
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-30 08:21

    please replace android support libraries.





    and replace 27 to 28 for following cases:

    compileSdkVersion 28
    buildToolsVersion "28.0.0"
    targetSdkVersion 28

    this will fix the issue.

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