I have an existing rails app that is using devise as it\'s user authentication. I added a discourse forum and everything went smoothly and it resides on a subdomain. I have read
This is pretty straightforward. Following on from the instructions at https://meta.discourse.org/t/official-single-sign-on-for-discourse/13045 and extrapolating a little, I have this working:
1) Put the reference implementation - https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/lib/single_sign_on.rb - in your #{Rails.root}/lib directory
2) Add this route to routes.rb
get 'discourse/sso' => 'discourse_sso#sso'
3) Put this controller in your app/controllers directory
require 'single_sign_on'
class DiscourseSsoController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user! # ensures user must login
def sso
sso = SingleSignOn.parse(request.query_string, secret)
sso.email = current_user.email # from devise
sso.name = current_user.full_name # this is a custom method on the User class
sso.username = current_user.email # from devise
sso.external_id = current_user.id # from devise
sso.sso_secret = secret
redirect_to sso.to_url("http://your_discource_server/session/sso_login")
4) Set up the SSO config in discourse to have the following
sso url: http://your_rails_server/discourse/sso
sso secret : what you set as MY_SECRET_STRING above
5) Disable other login types in discourse.
6) Try to login in discourse. It should work...