I need to execute some off-screen rendering program on AWS EC2 GPU instance with CentOS. However, while I found that Ubuntu is very easy to setup, I cannot let CentOS work prope
Just an additional find:
I did this to get the X Server running:
sudo /usr/bin/X :0 &
However, my OpenGL application was still not using the GPU for image rendering, and was therefore being REALLY slow.
This is what saved me -- setting a DISPLAY environment variable to the same display (ID: 0) that the X Server is using:
export DISPLAY=:0.0
lspci | grep VGA
You should see the busID
is 0:3:0
Using sudo, add this into your xorg.conf like so:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Device0"
Driver "nvidia"
VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
BoardName "GRID K520"
BusID "0:3:0"
This should fix GLX failures.