I store a last modified timestamp in the database on both the core data records on the phone, and the mysql tables on the server.
The phone searches for everything that has changed since the last sync and sends it up to the server along with a timestamp of the last sync, and the server responds with everything that has changed on it's end since the provided sync timestamp.
Performance is an issue when a lot of records have changed. I do the sync on a background NSOpeartion which has it's own managed object context. When the background thread has finished making changes to it's managed object context, there is an API for merging all of the changes into the main thread's managed object context - which can be configured to simply throw away all the changes if there are any conflicts caused by the user changing data while the sync is going on. In that case, I just wait a few seconds and then try doing a sync again.
On older hardware even after many optimisations it was necessary to abort the sync entirely if the user starts doing stuff in the app. It was simply using too many system resources. I think more modern iOS devices are probably fast enough you don't need to do that anymore.
(by the way, when I said "a lot of records have changed" I meant 30,000 or so rows being updated or inserted on the phone)