Since XCode 4, there is now a Code Snippets section which offers the snippets via auto-complete when typing. I\'d be very interested in snippets you all have stored in there. Wh
I also have the standard view lifecycle methods in my snippets (which get used daily):
I use keyboard shortcut vwa for
- (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewWillAppear: animated];
vdl for viewDidLoad
I’m often adding private class interfaces with class extensions:
@interface <#ClassName#> ()
This is to keep the public interface completely free from internal stuff, especially now that we can have purely synthesized properties (example gist).
While debugging this snippet is really useful. It let you know Class Name, Function Name and you can add your comments also.
NSLog(@"%s [Line %d] %@ ", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__,<#comment#>);