I have followed the instruction in https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/mysql/ to pull an image and running a container in which it runs a MySQL server.
The container is run
First bash into your mysql container
docker exec -it mysql-container-name bash
Then within the container connect to mysql to run your commands
mysql -u root -p
Then you are able to run mysql queries.
For @Abdullah Jibaly solution, after tested in MySQL 5.7, it would only entered into bash terminal prompt, whereby you still need to enter mysql command second time.
In order to directly enter into MySQL command line client after run MySQL container with one line of command, just run the following:
docker exec -it container_mysql_name mysql -u username -p
You can connect to your mysql container and run your commands using:
docker exec -it mysql bash -l
(Where mysql
is the name you gave the container)
Keep in mind that anything you do will not persist to the next time your run a container from the same image.
i didn't find any of these solutions to be effective for my use case: needing to store the returned data from the SQL to a bash variable.
i ended up with the following syntax when making the call from inside a bash script running on the host computer (outside the docker mysql server), basically use 'echo' to forward the SQL statement to stdin on the docker exec command.
modify the following to specify the mysql container name and proper mysql user and password for your use case:
mysqlCMD="docker exec -i _mysql-container-name_ mysql -uroot -proot "
sqlCMD="select count(*) from DBnames where name = 'sampleDB'"
count=`echo $sqlCMD | $mysqlCMD | grep -v count`
# count variable now contains the result of the SQL statement
for whatever reason, when i used the -e option, and then provided that string within the back-quotes, the interpreter modified the quotation marks resulting in SQL syntax failure.
I use the following to create a command that will sort out at least a couple of cases with databases outside or inside the container (with -h
and -P
) and supporting -e
cat > ~/bin/mysql <<'EOF'
while test $# != 0; do
if [[ $1 == -h ]]; then MHOST=$2; shift;
elif [[ $1 == -h* ]]; then MHOST=${1#"-h"};
elif [[ $1 == -e ]]; then MEXEC=$2; shift;
elif [[ $1 == -e* ]]; then MEXEC=${1#"-e"};
elif [[ $1 == --execute=* ]]; then MEXEC=${1#"--execute="};
elif [[ $1 == -P ]]; then MPORT=$2; shift;
elif [[ $1 == -P* ]]; then MPORT=${1#"-P"};
else MARGS="$MARGS $1"
if [ -z "${MHOST+x}" ]; then
if [ $(docker inspect --format '{{ .State.Status }}' mysql) == "running" ]; then
if [ ! -z "${MHOST+x}" ]; then
if [ "$MHOST" == "localhost" -o "$MHOST" == "" ]; then
CPORT=$(docker port mysql 3306/tcp)
if [ ${CPORT#""} == $MPORT ]; then
#echo "aiming for container port ($MPORT -> $CPORT)";
MHOST=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' mysql);
MHOST=$(ifconfig | sed -En 's/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p' | head -1);
if [ -z "$MEXEC" ]; then
docker run --link mysql:mysql -i --rm mysql mysql "-h" $MHOST "-P" $MPORT $MARGS
docker run --link mysql:mysql -i --rm mysql mysql "-h" $MHOST "-P" $MPORT $MARGS <<< $MEXEC
chmod +x ~/bin/mysql
I connect to the bash into the running MySQL container:
$ docker exec -t -i
is the shortcut for--interactive
option. This options is used for keep STDIN open even if not attached
is the shortcut for--tty
option, used to allocate a pseudo-TTY
I run MySQL client from bash MySQL container:
$ mysql -uroot -proot
is shortcut for--user=name
option, used to define user for login if not current user.
is shortcut for-password[=name]
option, used to define password to use when connecting to server. If password is not given it's asked from the tty.