Is there an IntelliJ Keymapping plugin for Eclipse?

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遇见更好的自我 2021-01-30 06:33

I am an old IntelliJ user, now working on a project that requires Eclipse. I don\'t mind learning the Eclipse default keyboard shortcuts where they exist, but so many operations

  • 2021-01-30 07:01

    Open your eclipse software Drag and drop Installer button from

    in your always open eclipse and that's all

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  • 2021-01-30 07:06

    You may add a key map as described here:

    The plugin itself is:

    You need just to put the jar file into eclipse/plugins and restart IDE. It works on Luna just fine!

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  • 2021-01-30 07:10

    It turns out that in IntelliJ, by default you can choose a keymap scheme. So you can just apply the Eclipse Shortcuts without any plugin. Just press CTRl + `

    Details here

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  • 2021-01-30 07:11

    I wanted the same thing since I predominantly use IntelliJ IDEA. Found this on the eclipse market place and up to now it has the same keymappings.

    Activate it by going to : Window >> Preferences >> General >> Keys : change the scheme to : IntelliJ IDEA

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  • 2021-01-30 07:20

    The IdeaKeyScheme plugin was just developed by one guy that wanted the same thing. Source and binary are available. I haven't tried it myself, but many people use it with great success. It seems to be the only thing out there.

    If you're concerned about keyboard mappings, the Key Promoter plugin for Eclipse (known as MouseFeed) will be a big help, too. There's also an IntelliJ version. I highly recommend this plugin for productivity enhancement.

    Installation and enabling IdeaKeyScheme plugin

    1. For Eclipse: add jar file to eclipse/dropins/plugins folder.
    2. Restart Eclipse.
    3. Open WindowPreferencesGeneralKeys and select the scheme "Intellij Idea".
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