I am using Factory Girl to create two instances in my model/unit test for a Group. I am testing the model to check that a call to .current returns only the \'current\' groups ac
For this specific date-baesd validation case, you could also use the timecop gem to temporarily alter time to simulate the old record being created in the past.
It is not best to skip all validation of that model.
create spec/factories/traits.rb
FactoryBot.define do
trait :skip_validate do
to_create { |instance| instance.save(validate: false) }
fix spec
describe ".current" do
let!(:current_group) { FactoryGirl.create(:group, :skip_validate, :expiry => Time.now + 1.week) }
let!(:expired_group) { FactoryGirl.create(:group, :skip_validate, :expiry => Time.now - 3.days) }
specify { Group.current.should == [current_group] }
I prefer this solution from https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl/issues/578.
Inside the factory:
to_create {|instance| instance.save(validate: false) }
As mentioned in the referenced thread, and by other's comments/solutions, you'll likely want to wrap this in a trait block to avoid confusion/issues elsewhere in your tests; for example, when you're testing your validations.