I am making icons for some Win Phone 7 apps and want to use some solid colors the way all the other apps do.
Where can I find a reference for these colors?
Magenta - #FF0097 | 255,0,151
Purple - #A200FF | 162,0,255
Teal - #00ABA9 | 0,171,169
Lime - #8CBF26 | 140,191,38
Brown - #A05000 | 160,80,0
Pink - #E671B8 | 230,113,184
Orange - #F09609 | 240,150,9
Blue - #1BA1E2 | 27,161,226
Red - #E51400 | 229,20,0
Green - #339933 | 51,153,51
Not sure if there's an official reference for these colors, but this article certainly suffices now...
The official colors were not available at the time of the OP's question and accepted answer; here's the updated and official Theme Overview for Windows Phone:
Accent Color RGB Hex
blue 27,161,226 #FF1BA1E2
brown 160,80,0 #FFA05000
green 51,153,51 #FF339933
lime 162,193,57 #FFA2C139
magenta 216,0,115 #FFD80073
mango (orange) 240,150,9 #FFF09609
pink 230,113,184 #FFE671B8
purple 162,0,255 #FFA200FF
red 229,20,0 #FFE51400
teal (viridian) 0,171,169 #FF00ABA9
And a sample image for good measure (taken from the theme overview on MSDN):
For the general case,
SolidColorBrush b = (SolidColorBrush)Application.Current.Resources["PhoneAccentBrush"];
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "R: " + b.Color.R +
" G: " + b.Color.G +
" B: " + b.Color.B );
Noting that OEMs/Carriers (and devs up for a bit of hacking) are free to add custom colours.
With output as follows for the default Blue.
R: 27 G: 161 B: 226