I need to build an application using laravel 5.3 and vuejs 2, because I need to use two-way binding rather than use jquery.
I need to set up the views with blade templa
#fileName' as your
el`@{{ vue expressions }}
to let Blade skip this and allow VueJS handle that.Done. Good luck!
If you want to sprinkle a bit of vuejs within your blade files you have basically two options:
Declare global Vue components
// in laravel built in app.js file
Vue.component('foo', require('./components/Foo.vue'));
Vue.component('bar', require('./components/Bar.vue'));
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app'
create a main layout file where the root div has an id of #app
// layout.blade.php
<div id="app">
Finally in your views:
<foo :prop="{{ $someVarFromController }}"></foo>
This is what I am currently using, and gives me more flexibility actually
// in laravel built in app.js file
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
Foo: require('./components/Foo.vue'),
Bar: require('./components/Bar.vue')
In the layout file you will be using vuejs dynamic components
<div id="app">
@if (isset($component))
<component :is={{ $component }} inline-template>
@if (isset($component))
In your views:
@extends('layout', ['component' => 'foo'])
// all the vue stuff available in blade
// don't forget to use the @ symbol every time you don't want blade to parse the expression.
// Example: @{{ some.vue.propertie }}
And finally you can create the vue components like you always would
// resources/assets/js/components/foo.vue
export default {
// the component