I am using vim with the fugitive extension. It has a :Gdiff command which brings you into vimdiff mode, but what is the right/quick way to close/quit vimdiff mode?
An alternative to <C-W><C-O>
, if you have multiple windows, would be move to the other diff window and do <C-W>c
, which close only one window.
If you close the wrong diff window do a :Gedit
Be careful and don't confuse <C-W>c
with <C-W><C-C>
Yet another way. What I have in fugitive.vim - first save some info (s:gitbufname) when diff starts:
function! s:Diff(vert,...) abort
call sy#toggle()
let s:startcol = winwidth(0)
let &columns=(winwidth(0) * 2 - 20)
if getwinvar('#', '&diff')
let s:gitbufname = bufname("%")
wincmd p
call feedkeys(winnr."\<C-W>w", 'n')
and later when leaving the buffer switch window to the saved buffer and restore:
augroup fugitive_diff
autocmd BufWinLeave *
\ if s:can_diffoff(+expand('<abuf>')) && s:diff_window_count() == 2 |
\ if exists('s:gitbufname') && winnr() != bufwinnr(s:gitbufname) |
\ let nr = bufnr("%") | exe bufwinnr(s:gitbufname).'wincmd w' | exe 'buf'.nr |
\ endif |
\ call s:diffoff_all(getbufvar(+expand('<abuf>'), 'git_dir')) |
\ call sy#toggle() |
\ call airline#load_theme() | call airline#update_statusline() |
\ let &columns=s:startcol |
\ endif
Was using the code below based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/15113951/10999673 :
if !exists(":Gdiffoff")
command Gdiffoff bw! fugitive://*
but it gave me an error "E93: more than one match for ..." in a 3 way diff, so i instead used the answer from https://stackoverflow.com/a/4867969/10999673 and finally have this:
function! GetBufferList()
return filter(range(1,bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)')
function! GetMatchingBuffers(pattern)
return filter(GetBufferList(), 'bufname(v:val) =~ a:pattern')
function! WipeMatchingBuffers(pattern)
let l:matchList = GetMatchingBuffers(a:pattern)
let l:count = len(l:matchList)
if l:count < 1
echo 'No buffers found matching pattern ' . a:pattern
if l:count == 1
let l:suffix = ''
let l:suffix = 's'
exec 'bw ' . join(l:matchList, ' ')
echo 'Wiped ' . l:count . ' buffer' . l:suffix . '.'
command! -nargs=1 Gdiffoff call WipeMatchingBuffers('fugitive://')
I just tweaked, copied and pasted the code into my .vimrc