I have a view on the iPad that I am adding an MKMapView to that is say half the height of the full screen. However, when I try to pinch out on the iOS Simulator it doesn\'t wor
2019-20 UPDATE
To zoom in
alt/option + pinch in using mouse
Alternate option: control + click (This will place a gray circle on the map, now you can click and drag your mouse to zoom in and out. If you want to disable it, just click on the circle again)
To zoom out
alt/option + pinch out using mouse
To get flat view of the map
Zoom to an area in map then Shift + alt/option + click and drag mouse
You can move the two gray circles that represent your fingers around the screen by holding Option and Shift and moving the mouse.
Only pressing the alt key made the two gray dots representing your fingers appear for me...
Try double tapping with the "Option" key pressed. On the iPhone this causes the MKMapView to zoom out.
Updated Solution:
Holding Option and Command gives you 2 finger vectors that spread out and in. Holding the mouse button down on the way in will pinch in and visa versa for spreading out.
You can use Option (Alt) button or combination of Option button and command button along with mouse movement to zoom in and zoom out a map or an image.