I tried to upgrade from trial VS2008 to full... but, on Windows 7 Beta there is no \"Upgrade to Microsoft Visual Studio 2008\" option... anyone knows why?... did anyone else enc
For those who already installed VS2008 and it is late for them to use the solution with editing setup.sdb, and who don't wanna install AnVir Task Manager because it brings unwanted crapware to your PC, you may use WinSpy: http://www.catch22.net/software/winspy-17. It worked for me.
I found a solution for this. You need to enter your product key before installing vs2008:
Extract the iso somewhere. Edit the Setup\setup.sdb file and set your product key in the [Product Key] section. Then you can install it without needing to upgrade.
If you can reproduce it, it would be worth sending it as feedback (do you have the "send feedback" links on every window like I do?).
I could give it a try, but I've already installed Team Suite on my physical Windows 7 machine, so I'd need to sort out a fresh VM to give it a go...
Actually, though - it probably isn't a good idea to activate your upgrade (for real) on the beta Windows 7; at some point, you are going to have to scratch that OS completely. I agree that if the option is meant to be there, then it's absense is a problem. But I haven't used "trial" before, so I don't know if it is meant to exist!
Yes, there is no possibility to upgrade from the trial version of Visual Studio 2008 on Windows 7 as the upgrade button and product key fields are missing. But it is possible to restore back their visibility by using Anvir Task Manager. For an unknown reason those controls are hidden and disabled on Windows 7 but are ok on Windows Vista. I've successfully upgraded my Visual Studio once restored upgrade controls.
Here is a more-or-less complete guide to upgrading Visual Studio 2008 trial to pro in Windows 7.
If you get stuck at one of these steps, it's possible that your maintenance window is varied slightly from mine. Once you get the main window expanded in AnVir, nose around in the hidden controls until you see the "Upgrade" button, and then make sure all controls that are siblings of that control are enabled.
Using WinSpy as suggested by Denis Avilov works pretty good and does not require installing any unwanted software, however apart from enabling (and making visible) the "Upgrade" button you must enable few more siblings controls specially the 5 "Edit" fields that will be needed to input a valid Visual Studio serial number.