Haskell - 252 216 204 197 192 characters
s%(c:d,t)=s++' ':c:maybe('\n':x)(\[u]->" -> "++u++'\n':u%(d,t))(lookup[s,[c]]t)
p(i:j)=(words i!!0)%(last j,map(splitAt 2.words)j)
Conforms to output specification.
Ungolf'd version:
type State = String
type Transition = ((State, Char), State)
run :: [Transition] -> State -> String -> [String]
run ts s (c:cs) = maybe notFound found $ lookup (s,c) ts
notFound = stateText : ["REJECT"]
found u = (stateText ++ " -> " ++ u) : run ts u cs
stateText = s ++ " " ++ [c]
run _ (s:_) "" | s >= 'A' && s <= 'Z' = ["ACCEPT"]
| otherwise = ["REJECT"]
prepAndRun :: [String] -> [String]
prepAndRun (l0:ls) = run ts s0 input
s0 = head $ words l0
input = last ls
ts = map (makeEntry . words) $ init ls
makeEntry [s,(c:_),t] = ((s,c),t)
main' = interact $ unlines . prepAndRun . lines
A good puzzle is why init
isn't needed in the golf'd version! Other than that, rest are all standard Haskell golf techniques.