I am running VS2017 version 26430.13 and every time I try to build a web project I get errors that access to the files in the bin\\roslyn is denied. Over a period of about 5 mi
Install Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.BinFix nuget It fixed the issue for me
for me updating the nuget package...
to the latest at the time of this post 2.7.0 fixed this for me. it was version 1.3.2
Before you try anything drastic, restart your computer
I have VS 2017 Enterprise and for me the issue was resolved by this:
I was having the same issue in MVC 5. I just opened Nuget Package Manager, searched and updated the following:
UPDATE the Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform package to V1.0.7