I am trying to compare pairs of words to see which pair is \"more likely to occur\" in US English than another pair. My plan is/was to use
The NLTK collocations document seems pretty good to me.
You need to give the scorer some actual sizable corpus to work with. Here is a working example using the Brown corpus built into NLTK. It takes about 30 seconds to run.
import nltk.collocations
import nltk.corpus
import collections
bgm = nltk.collocations.BigramAssocMeasures()
finder = nltk.collocations.BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(
scored = finder.score_ngrams( bgm.likelihood_ratio )
# Group bigrams by first word in bigram.
prefix_keys = collections.defaultdict(list)
for key, scores in scored:
prefix_keys[key[0]].append((key[1], scores))
# Sort keyed bigrams by strongest association.
for key in prefix_keys:
prefix_keys[key].sort(key = lambda x: -x[1])
print 'doctor', prefix_keys['doctor'][:5]
print 'baseball', prefix_keys['baseball'][:5]
print 'happy', prefix_keys['happy'][:5]
The output seems reasonable, works well for baseball, less so for doctor and happy.
doctor [('bills', 35.061321987405748), (',', 22.963930079491501),
('annoys', 19.009636692022365),
('had', 16.730384189212423), ('retorted', 15.190847940499127)]
baseball [('game', 32.110754519752291), ('cap', 27.81891372457088),
('park', 23.509042621473505), ('games', 23.105033513054011),
("player's", 16.227872863424668)]
happy [("''", 20.296341424483998), ('Spahn', 13.915820697905589),
('family', 13.734352182441569),
(',', 13.55077617193821), ('bodybuilder', 13.513265447290536)