The biggest problem in the software industry is that the quality of programming code is viewed as a subjective issue. Without some well-defined metric, just being neat and tidy, and following the conventions isn't enough to ensure that the quality is acceptable.
There are attempts to change this, but they are unlikely to get sufficient interest or acceptance primarily because the long established culture of programmers is in trying very hard to stay away from anything that resembles engineering. The "pure art" philosophy of programming means that your 20-50 developers are all going to flail at the code in their own unique fashion, so that no matter how good the individual coders, the sum total of the group's effort is always going to be "a big ball of mud".
To avoid this, either get all of the coders on the same 'page', make normalized code part of your convention, or chase after jobs were the development teams are smaller (1-3 people) and you're the big kahuna. Someday the big teams may find a way to build better stuff, but until then even the best of them are extremely lucky if they can just get close to 6 out of 10. We build low-quality software because that's what we've set up our industry to do ...