what I mean by "is Clojure as powerful as LISP" is that i read someplace here on stackoverflow that Common Lisp is lisp-2 and Clojure is lisp-1? (I could easly be rambling here)...
as far as concurrency is concerned I really like the Erlang story since its so easy to distribute apps by writing them in the Actor model
from the creator of Clojure at http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/browse_thread/thread/2a2b24ffef5d1631?pli=1
"Even with actors, Clojure will not yet have a distributed concurrency
story, but I am considering just adopting Erlang's wholesale, using
Jinterface for Clojure<->Clojure or even Clojure<->Erlang distributed
processes. Maybe that will look like Termite when it is done. Stay
tuned. "