I use vim C++ tag file for navigation using Ctrl-]. The problem is whenever some file gets modified, the links are no longer valid and I have to re-run ctags and update the tag
function! DelTagOfFile(file)
let fullpath = a:file
let cwd = getcwd()
let tagfilename = cwd . "/tags"
let f = substitute(fullpath, cwd . "/", "", "")
let f = escape(f, './')
let cmd = 'sed -i "/' . f . '/d" "' . tagfilename . '"'
let resp = system(cmd)
function! UpdateTags()
let f = expand("%:p")
let cwd = getcwd()
let tagfilename = cwd . "/tags"
let cmd = 'ctags -a -f ' . tagfilename . ' --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q ' . '"' . f . '"'
call DelTagOfFile(f)
let resp = system(cmd)
autocmd BufWritePost *.cpp,*.h,*.c call UpdateTags()